A Heart that Works
Rob Delaney
Bearing the Unbearable
Joan Cacciatore
It's OK to Not be OK
Megan Devine
Staring at the Sun
Overcoming the Terror of Death
Irvin D. Yalom
The Smell of Rain on Dust
Martín Prechtel
On Grief and Grieving
Michael Kessler and Elizabeth Kübler-Ross
On Death and Dying
Elizabeth Kübler-Ross
Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of Death
Joan Halifax
The Year of Magical Thinking
Joan Didion
Death, Society and Human Experience
Robert J. Kastenbaum
The Grief Recovery Handbook
John W James and Russell Friedman
MISS Foundation
Selah Care Farm
Tu Nidito - for children
The Dougy Center - for children and families
Refuge in Grief
Organization developed by Megan Devine, author of It's OK That You're Not OK, to support people experiencing loss and those who would like to help loved ones who have experienced a loss
Soaring Spirits International
soaring spirits.org
Hosts a blog written by several different writers, each living with the loss of a spouse or partner - also holds several weekend conferences for widowed people, with a large percentage of attendees widowed under age fifty - look for Camp Widow on the website
Compassionate Friends
Resource for those who have had a child die
Modern Loss
Great site for younger and midlife adults covering a variety of losses via guest posts and essays
Glow in the Woods
Site for babylost families. Excellent resource for companionship inside loss and information on coping with the physical and emotional realities of neonatal and postpartum death.
The Liz Logelin Foundation
Awards funds to families when a parent dies. Information on grants and resources for grieving families can be found at this website.
American Counseling Association - Grief and Loss
Journey of Hearts
A healing place for anyone grieving a loss
For Grief
A place dedicated to offering unprecedented access to leading grief experts
Mesothelioma Grief Counseling & Additional Resources for Mesothelioma
Pima Council on Aging
Supporting Seniors with Mental Health Conditions
Association for Death Education & Counseling
Harmony Hospice
GRIEF is a natural part of life, an intrinsic aspect of being alive, human, and in relationship with others.
IF we are truly to support one another through grief, bereavement, traumatic loss, or any loss, we can benefit from accepting this truth, that grief is as necessary as any other rite or emotion that graces us. It is not something to avoid.
MY hope for working with clients who are in grief is to move away from stages, "shoulds" and timelines. The therapy space is where the client and therapist allow whatever arises and move with it, moment-to-moment., .
I have reverence for those who have made significant contributions to better understanding grief. As much as I love to read about theories, the research and philosophies, the therapy space is dedicated to the client's engagement with a new reality after loss and how that is showing up in their body, beliefs, feelings and thoughts.
WHILE being in a state of intense grief is very painful, I have shifted from perceiving it as something to "get through" to something with which I have a new relationship.. Only through experiencing the lows of loss have I come to know how deeply one can love and how interwoven the two are. For this, grief and loss are respected and honored as much as the people who have impacted my life.
In the words of Martín Prechtel from his book THE SMELL OF RAIN ON DUST,
“Grief is praise, because it is the natural way love honors what it misses.”
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